Dixons Cottingley Academy | Year 6 Transition
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Dixons Cottingley Academy

Year 6 Transition

Welcome to Dixons Cottingley Academy

We are delighted that you have been offered a place at Dixons Cottingley Academy and we look forward to welcoming your child into the DCO school community. Over the next few months we will get to know students and their families so we discover what will help each and every student be successful at Dixons Cottingley. We aim to make the transition process for students as seamless as possible and to support this we have several events that take place over the course of the academic year to facilitate this and further information is provided below.

  • Open Evening - Is an opportunity for prospective Year 5 and 6 students to come to the academy with their parents and carers, tour the school, experience learning within different subjects, meet the staff and find out more about us. Our open evenings usually take place in the first term of the new Academic year.
  • Intake Evening – This evening is designed to help parents/carers and students prepare for September by providing information on behaviour and uniform policies and expectations for September. There is also the opportunity to find out about uniform and meet key members of staff such as the Year 7 Pastoral Team, Your Form Tutor and members of the Senior Leadership Team. Our intake evening for 2024 will take place on Thursday 6th June 2024 from 4.00 - 6.00pm.
  • Transition Day – All Year 6 students will be invited to attend Dixons Cottingley Academy for a day to experience their new secondary environment and be introduced to the structure of a school day. There will be the opportunity to meet other students in your Form group as well key members of staff that will be supporting you throughout your first year. Our transition day for 2024 will take place on Wednesday 3rd July from 8.30am - 3.00pm.
  • Additional Transition Days – We also hold additional transition days for students who require extra support. These days are designed, but are not exclusive to students who have Special Educations Needs or Disabilities, students who have a heightened sense of anxiety about commencing secondary school and students who require additional support with the new structure and procedures of a secondary school environment. If you/your child feels an additional transition day is required, please contact us by emailing info@dixonsco.com

We appreciate that families find this time of year daunting and we have provided a range of key information below including the following:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Key Transition Staff
  • The Academy Day
  • Uniform and Equipment Expectations
  • Curriculum Model
  • Bus Timetables and Bus Information

Key Academy Staff (Transition)
Dawn Kirton

Director of Phase (Y6/7)
Eesa Iqbal
Assistant Director (Y6/7)
Julia Bettison

Important Transition Dates
New intake Parents' Evening: Thursday 6 June 2024 (4-6pm)

Transition Day: Wednesday 3 July 2024 (8:30am-3pm)

Start of Term: Monday 2 September 2024 (Year 7 only)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the core values at DCO?

At DCO we have three key values: Determination, Integrity and Trust. These values underpin everything we do at the academy and are the key principles we make decisions based upon.

Can I buy breakfast at DCO?

Yes every morning we provide a free breakfast for students between 7.45am - 8.15am for students that arrive at the academy. This is provided in conjunction with The Magic Breakfast and there is no charge to students

Will I have access to a locker?

Every child in the school will have access to a locker. There is a refundable deposit for the locker which is returned when your child leaves the school in Year 11. The value of this deposit is £15 and covers damage to lockers and other equipment provided by the academy.

Will I have homework?

Every student at DCO hands in core homework each morning. In addition, other homework will be set in lessons – you will always have 1 week to complete it.

Will I get a correction if I do not hand in my homework?

Starting a new school will mean Year 7 students will have a lot of new things to remember. Your form tutor will help you be organised so you know exactly what you have to hand in and when. You will be given a short period of time before corrections are issued for not handing in your homework Your tutor or Director of Curriculum Phase will always remind you of our routines and expectations.

What time can I arrive at school?

Students can arrive at school form 7:45am. The dining hall (free breakfast available) and the LRC are open for students to use. Students will have access to lockers from 8:00am.

Are there after school activities I can do?

There will be clubs and activities on most nights after school. The LRC is open until 4:25pm Monday to Wednesday and 3:30pm on Thursday and Friday. You, as a student, are responsible for arranging with home if you are staying after school, including arranging how you are to get home. If you stay after the end of school you must be either in an activity where a register will be taken, or in the LRC where you will be asked to sign in. If you leave the school building/site you are not allowed to return.

Do I carry my coat and bag around school?

All DCO students have a locker. You must have your locker key attached to your lanyard (hung around your neck) all day, every day. All coats and bags are left in the lockers during the school day You carry your books and expected equipment for morning lessons and then swap for your afternoon lessons at lunchtime. All of these routines will be practised on the transition day and the first days in Year 7. You return to your locker at the end of the school day to collect coats and bags before going home.

What happens if I am the only person from my primary school and I don’t know anyone?

During the transition day and your first week at DCO you as well as being in classrooms leaning the DCO routines you will also take part in lots of activities where you will meet people in your form and year group. You will be encouraged to learn other students names and something about each other. You are placed in a form – you meet as a form at the start of every day and after lunch every day. You will get to know the other students in your form and you will also have a form tutor who can ask any questions to or share any worries.

What do I do if I forget something?

You will have to be organised – find a space at home to out your timetable and pack your bag the night before. Use you planner to record any homework – you can also use it to write yourself reminders for things you need to remember. Your Director and Assistant Director of Curriculum Phase will be on duty at the start of the school day as well as many other teacher. If you forget something, see them straight away and they will help you find what you need. There is a school shop open before 8:20am and during break and lunch where you can buy equipment. If you cannot buy or find what you need you will receive a correction if you are missing homework expected that day or do not have the correct books or equipment.

Applying for a Bus Pass

For further information regarding bus services and transport subsidies please contact WY Metro or click here to visit the WY Metro Schools Website