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Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting - Knowledge navigators (100% sheets) present the key knowledge and skills for a particular topic
- 100% sheets will be presented on an A4 sheet and be found inside the Knowledge Navigator booklet.
- The way that they are presented will help students to visualise the layout of the page which helps them to memorise the information better along with supporting a regular homework and independent revision programme.
- The reason for the title Knowledge Navigator (100% sheet) is that it is about putting in 100% effort which at Dixons Cottingley Academy is about a determination to succeed and showing excellence at all time.
The current Knowledge Navigator documents are available on our homework page.
Why 100% sheets?
- The new GCSE and vocational courses have become more challenging through increased content and number of exam papers with most subjects now being assessed by exams only.
- Crucial to success with these courses is regular effective revision, reviewing and revising knowledge and the 100% will support this used in the right way.
- The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve shows us how over time if we do not revisit knowledge we lose some of what we have learnt. Leaving revision until a few weeks before an exam will not prove to be a successful strategy as our short term memory has limited capacity. The secret to success is to regularly revisit the knowledge to be learned (known as ‘spaced retrieval’). This helps transfer the knowledge from the short-term memory to the long term memory. This not only helps to make ‘learning stick’ but it also frees up our short-term memory for day to day learning and experiences.
How? at school?
Students will be given 100% sheets at the start of every cycle and/or topic. They will add them to their 100% book/folder. The
100% book/folder will become a key piece of everyday equipment and will be taken to every lesson with the planner. During the
school week and for homework, students will be set work based on the 100% sheets and in most subjects there will be weekly
knowledge retrieval tests.
How? at home?
Parents ask how they can help to support their child at home. Some parents worry that they don’t have the subject knowledge to help and support. Knowledge Navigators (100% sheets) will help with this. Knowledge Navigators (100% sheets) will also be accessible from home through the website.
Suggested activities
Teachers will set homework based on specific sections of the sheets. On top of the homework set students should be spending 30 minutes per week per subject learning from the 100% sheet. Here are some suggested activities:
- Look, cover, write, check, correct and repeat.
- Students can test each other or get parents to test them by asking questions about the knowledge on the sheet or the particular section they are focused on learning.
- Read sections out that misses key words or phrases, students can then fill in the gaps.
- Students can present the information in another way; using the Knowledge Navigators (100% sheets) to create a mind map, display the knowledge in a table or to make their own version of the 100% sheet. They could stick these on the fridge or bedroom wall.